ae cosmic

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Friday, November 14, 2003


Found poetry on old floppy disk

ad hoc
Heard someone say the ecthroi are winning
Sitting feverish head is spinning
A wrinkle in time to an alternate dimension
Was there something you forgot to mention?
Give me a meaning - a seeming - a purpose
A goal worth striving for that is possible indeed
Guess I have to get it my own self my own self
And make things possible that others say just aren't
1.2 billion people overfed - 1.2 billion people underfed
Connection? Correction? Did you forget to mention on the news
The blues of the people without shoes
Making shoes for pennies - let me sell you a cliche
The energy that is there - here between the earth and sky
Is limitless potential so I have to wonder why
The power company does exist at all
When I heard stories of Tesla who could power it all
With a tower - and rays bounced off the atmosphere
They say it's crazy - I'm lazy - I don't know what I hear
And don't know what I see - All naivete
How do you expect to make jargon like that pay?
It's kitch - a wish - not writing on a wall
You will not go nowhere
You are pathetic and small
Plus you have no millions no billions no minions just bunions
Your mind is sore - and it's been peeled like an onion
Your face is green - do you feel a dream
No all I feel is nothing and I think I want to scream
The end of feeling makes impossible the healing
Of appendage the usage no longer congealing
The brain stem emotion potion covered with chemical lotion
Thick and stank - disgustingly rank
Acquired taste - they bury me in paste
Solid chunks of putrid toxic waste
In my water - in my food - radiates me when I'm neud
Your help - your smile - true appreciated
My mind like cheese - squeezed from a cow and grated
And used for nutrition for the beasts that think that they
Are mighty and high enough to prey and prey and prey
On the souls and the hearts of the people in this world
Kick em when they're down and sell band-aids for the hurts
Sell a stinking substance to take away the pain and neutralize the brain
And make all days look the same again again again
And cities all copied and people in their place
God help the human race

quid pro quo
Distant dreams of hidden years
Mellow dust of ancient fears
Growing bodies on the stairs
Catching barons unawares
Upset stomach upset mind
What was that you tried to find
That maybe in a mild way rhymed
With reason or treason or something copacetic
If the words used were all too big
At least you can sit back and eat a fig
Dance with a cat a rat and a bat
And think about things that will fit in your mind
And that's when they brought out the Spanish song
And expected me to sing along
And then one in Finnish, and then Navajo
I said "That's some places my brain didn't go"
So sing it anyway - then you'll know how it goes
But what of the disjointed slant of my nose
That's some kind of silly prose
Where's your voice where's your choice
Where's something you know
Well all my braincells were carefully filled
By ones delighting in calling themselves ill
by definition of a book that they read
which counters all books to be found in a head
The water we drink is slimy and pink
They distantly drew me closer
and when I was there they shaved all my hair
and threw me into a poster
and painted me over with beard and a tie
and gave me a loaf of sixpence and rye
and told a story in a brass nameplate caption
which all it said in big letters was "Craption"
gone beyond the dreamspun ship
a clever poet with wicked whip
whined in a weary way
 that he never gets his way
and can he please just play with the toys

Arrogant arrogant son of a bitch
I see you and i start to itch
your self is awful to me yes
one glance enough to depress
sad but true
mellow and blue
glued my mouth shut with porcelain glue
because i didn't have anything nice to say
shel silverstein asleep in a bean which is jumping
he hears thumping
he wakes up and draws
great fearsome claws on his hands - how grand
he claws himself free
and then people read this and give money to me
for the drawing of his sawing
himself free like that
My father thinks i was demented by cat in the hat


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